Welcome Letter
Dear Guest,
We welcome you with open arms and we are delighted that you have chosen to be part of our e-church family. We call our church “The Grace Place” because we are the unworthy recipients of the grace of God, who justified us through the blood of Jesus Christ and made us heirs of salvation with Him. Thank you for sharing with us the exhilarating and humbling experience of being a Christian!
This reminds me of Peter’s response to beholding an all-powerful God at work recorded in Luke 5:1-11. The professional fishermen were done for the day and were now cleaning the nets. Jesus asked Simon to let him use his boat to teach the people from it. After He was finished speaking, he told Simon: “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch” Luke 5:4.
It is interesting to notice that all the skills of men and all common sense are not enough when it relates to the “miracles” of salvation. They, as all good fishermen know, had tried to fish with nets at night, when it is most appropriate… they had tried all night… and caught nothing. Peter explains these facts to the Lord, and then he adds the pivotal phrase that changes the whole story: “but I will do as You say…” When Simon saw the great quantity of fish, and the nets breaking, and the boats sinking… he had a very interesting reaction: “he fell down at Jesus’ feet, saying ‘Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!’” Luke 5:8. This is a very interesting response because it holds the key to being a disciple of Jesus. Actually, Jesus called Simon to be a “full-time” disciple after this statement.
It is imperative for every Jesus follower to hold these two statements in tension: We don’t qualify to be in Jesus’ presence because we are sinful AND we fall at His feet and worship Him because of His power to save. Full awareness of our sinfulness as we behold His power, holiness and love is the condition in which we must be if we are to hear the invitation “Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men.”
Get ready! The Lord has told us to put down the nets… and the nets will break, and the boats will sink… by His power and by His grace! We are the unworthy recipients of the greatest treasure in the whole universe! The Good News of Jesus Christ, our Savior! News of Mega Joy! SO… expect great things from the Lord. It is true! He is faithful to His promise! He said “If I am lifted up… I will draw all people to myself” John 12:32… and the drawing has begun…
Many Blessings,
The Grace Place